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San Diego Floral Association

To promote the knowledge and appreciation of horticulture and floriculture in the San Diego region.

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Advertise in California Garden Magazine

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San Diego Floral Association 
1650 El Prado, Room. 105, San Diego, CA 92101-1684

Affiliate/Member Ad Discount
To become an Affiliate click here 

Premium Magazine Rates

$325 – Back Cover Color

(currently reserved) 

Website Rates
Home Page Ad with one link, your ad will appear on each page in the sidebar.
72dpi 300 pixels wide x 374 pixels tall max
One year $125.00

501(c)3 non-profit organization – your gift is tax deductible.

Call  Office: 619-232-5762

General Information:

San Diego Floral Association 
1650 El Prado, Rm. 105 
San Diego, CA 92101-1684
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